Systemic Dry Needling With Sue Falsone

May 17, 2016 | Blog, Houston Healthy Living Blog

Jennifer Klein, PT, CPI completed her Dry Needling training with Sue Falsone, PT. Sue has presented at state, national and international level conferences in areas focusing on pillar strength, integration of physical therapy and performance training, and comprehensive kinetic chain assessment and rehabilitation. She’s a Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy (SCS), a certified athletic trainer (ATC), certified orthopedic manual therapist for the spine (COMT) and a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Sue Falsone’s Systemic Dry Needling is a contemporary dry needling approach created by Dr. Yun-tao Ma, based on the works of Dr. Janet Travell, Dr. Chan Gunn, neurophysiology and neuroanatomy, clinical experience, and evidence based research in neuroscience.

Jennifer will be continuing her education in Dry Needling with Sue this December at USAF Academy in Colorado.