by Jennifer Klein | Sep 5, 2019 | Blog, Houston Healthy Living Blog, Patient/Pilates Spotlight, Uncategorized
Steve is the quite the amazing man! He dislocated his shoulder resulting in a full shoulder replacement……not an easy surgery nor rehab. Long story short, he was less than satisfied with his PT progress elsewhere, was discussing this a PT acquaintance at a...
by Jennifer Klein | Sep 5, 2019 | Blog, Houston Healthy Living Blog, Patient/Pilates Spotlight, Uncategorized
Remember Al in recent prior posts? In for assistance with balance challenges due to vestibular issues; learning to ambulate with a walker at that time…………..look at him now!! Down the steps and the flagstone incline, with a single prong cane...
by Jennifer Klein | Jul 29, 2019 | Blog, Houston Healthy Living Blog, Patient/Pilates Spotlight, Uncategorized
Monirah is working on strengthening her abdominal muscles post child birth and on correcting diastasis recti associated with child birth. She is working on “table top”; ideally where one’s knees are directly over the hips and the lower legs, or...
by Jennifer Klein | Jul 29, 2019 | Blog, Houston Healthy Living Blog, Patient/Pilates Spotlight, Uncategorized
Please enjoy watching these videos of Al, an 82 year old gentleman who came to me primarily with balance concerns, which started after an acute bout of vertigo and loss of hearing in his right ear 24 hours after cataract surgery. Al also had a pace maker defibrillator...
by Jennifer Klein | Jul 17, 2019 | Blog, Houston Healthy Living Blog, Patient/Pilates Spotlight, Uncategorized
Congratulations to Jen C. for meeting her goals, completing Therapy, and making a full transition into Pilates here at AATB Pilates!
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