Houston Healthy Living Blog
Is Fashion Causing You Pain?
When people experience neck pain, it is frequently associated with an exercise-related injury, a disc problem, or trauma such as whiplash. Although these culprits are certainly major causes of pain, it is essential that we examine all possible reasons. In the instance...
What is Cupping?
Many athletes in the 2016 Rio Olympics have been seen with red circular marks on their bodies left from cupping treatments, specifically team USA. The olympians say they are using the treatment to ease aches and pains, and to aide with recovery from the physical toil...
Systemic Dry Needling With Sue Falsone
Jennifer Klein, PT, CPI completed her Dry Needling training with Sue Falsone, PT. Sue has presented at state, national and international level conferences in areas focusing on pillar strength, integration of physical therapy and performance training, and comprehensive...
AATB Pilates Takes on Youtube!
You can now watch Jennifer Klein PT, CPI and Elizabeth Sullivan CPI, RYI demonstrate helpful Pilates techniques to increase your range of motion and flexibility after successful hip replacement surgery. Check us out on our Youtube Channel!
Gyrokinesis is coming to AATB!!
GYROKINESIS!! Coming soon to AATB Pilates! Stools are on the way and Santa might have something bigger and newer in store for 2016! Here's a great video of Gyrokinesis on the stool demonstrated by Mary Jo Cohen from Portland, OR. The stool is where we'll be starting...
Dry Needling and Fibromyalgia
The global burden of chronic pain has reached epidemic proportions; furthermore, it is estimated that 136 million Americans are currently suffering with chronic pain. Despite this large number, the diagnosis and management of conditions such as Fibromyalgia Syndrome...
Tape to Return to Activity
Anyone who has ever sustained a serious injury knows exactly how debilitating it can be. Serious injuries often cause you to have pain, weakness, frustration, along with the constant fear of aggravating your injury- sadly these feelings may become apart of daily life....
Pregnancy and Sacroiliac Pain
Women who experience sacroiliac joint dysfunction during pregnancy suffer from pain and discomfort that may prevent them from being physically active. With a focus on improving pelvic alignment and mechanics at the sacroiliac (SI) joint, located in the pelvis between...
What is Dry Needling?
Dry Needling is a modality in treating soft tissue dysfunction, and is virtually pain free. Integrative Dry Needling fuses needles to inoculate lesions into the soft tissues (skin, muscles, fascia, tendon and ligament, etc) to activate the healing process, resulting...
Physical Examination and Imaging of the Lateral Collateral Ligament and Posterolateral Corner of the Knee
Clinical findings may be subtle, especially in the acute setting but specialized tests such as eternal rotation recurvatum test, posterolateral drawer test, reverse pivot shift test, and dial test are particularly helpful. A characteristic radiographic finding is the...